Services are Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in-person in Channing Hall and on Zoom and YouTube.

April 2025 Worship Services

April 6, Accepting Forgiveness, Rev. Bill Neely, with Lorraine Rette, Guest Worship Associate

A value of practicing forgiveness is found in the freedom that it offers. In letting go of resentments, we lighten our spirits to stretch toward greater peace. This process is embraced, and in some cases commanded, by traditions far and wide. It’s ancient. And yet sometimes, it remains difficult. Let’s explore how to accept forgiveness today.   

April 13, This One Big Earth, Revs. Jennifer Kelleher and Bill Neely

Join together for an all-ages (early) Earth Day worship service of story, song, and hope. We’ll connect anew with our calling to care for our planet as we deepen our Unitarian Universalist commitment to our “Blue Boat Home.” 

April 20, The Easter Light, Rev. Bill Neely

Easter Sunday celebrates the story of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. The day begins in death and sadness but becomes a celebration of eternal life and joy; of a peaceful prophecy fulfilled, and of love reigning supreme. In our lives, we also know times of sadness and despair, and seek the new light of a new day. How can the message of Easter help us see that light, and live in it all year long?

April 27, Fixing a Broken World, Pauline E. Nijander, Seminarian

The Jewish concept known as Tikkun Olam, or “repairing or fixing the world”, is defined by acts of kindness performed to repair the world. It is a concept that has become synonymous with all sorts of justice initiatives by calling on people to work toward making the world a better place for future generations. But what does that look like to us as Unitarian Universalists, especially when we may feel broken and in need of repair, and the world’s problems seem bigger than ourselves? What can we do to answer the type of call that Tikkun Olam challenges everyone to take up?