Some of Our Past Worship Services

From the Ground Up

In science and lore, dirt, mud, and muck have much to do with the development of life, as does the sun, the stars, and the ways in which we live together. The gift of life comes the cosmos, nature, and one another. How can we live in deeper gratitude for these gifts, and how might … Continue reading From the Ground Up

Mindful Race Talk: Befriending Liberation

We’re pleased to welcome Dr. Nathalie Edmond, author of Mindful Race Talk: Building Literacy, Fluency, and Agility, to our pulpit this morning. Our Racial Justice Ministry selected Dr. Edmond’s book for our current congregational read, and invites everyone to attend a workshop with Dr. Edmond after this service to kick-off the discussion. Dr. Edmond is a … Continue reading Mindful Race Talk: Befriending Liberation