Some of Our Past Worship Services

Have Courage & Be Kind

In a reimagining of the fairytale Cinderella, Brittany Rubiano writes these lines for Cinderella’s mother, “You must always remember this: Have courage, and be kind. You have more kindness in your little finger than most people possess in their whole body. And it has power. More than you know.” Through this all-ages worship service, co-created … Continue reading Have Courage & Be Kind

A Just and Loving Life

The poet Mary Oliver once asked “what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” How we live the answer to that question determines the legacy we leave behind; a legacy that will guide, support, and challenge those to come. As we begin the year together, let us consider our … Continue reading A Just and Loving Life

Greeting the New Year

A new beginning happens with every ending. A new year, then, is no different from an opportunity at a new beginning for us. But what does this new beginning mean for us, especially as we move toward a time of uncertainty and anxiety?