The UU Conscious Consumers challenges aim to empower you through the two most common and mundane choices you make nearly every single day: 1) what you choose to eat and 2) how you choose to shop. So, here we go with our February challenge:
Fresh Start February
~An apple a day keeps all sorts of troubles away~
Reclaim your power this month one bite at a time. This February the challenge is to eat one fresh fruit or vegetable, big or small, each and every day of the month (if you already do this, great!). Additionally, be sure to participate in this humble ritual: each time you take your first fresh bite of the day say to yourself “What I eat DOES matter.”
Allow this routine to empower you both physically and mentally, as it moves you into the year with a healthy and hopeful habit. Arm yourself far into the future with this related fact: Eating more plant-based foods is one of the most effective actions individuals in countries with high meat consumption can take to personally influence all of the following areas: climate change, animal cruelty, farm worker exploitation, environmental degradation, and negative health outcomes.
So, this month better appreciate fruits and vegetables, and their power to save the world.
Check out these other inspiring fresh food facts:
- Did you know farm workers make more per dollar from fresh fruits and vegetables purchased for at-home use?
- Did you know that producing one pound of beef requires 1,847 gallons of water, while one pound of vegetables requires 39 gallons?
- Did you know estimates show it can take up to 100 times more land to produce a calorie from beef than from vegetables?
- Did you know that people who follow a plant-based diet account for 75% less greenhouse gases compared with those who eat more than 3.5 oz. of meat per day?
- Did you know that an analysis of 95 studies assessing the health benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption found that eating 800 grams of fruits and vegetables daily was associated with the lowest risk of disease and premature death?
Dare to take this challenge a step further? 1) Avoid processed foods- opt for an apple instead of cookies, chips and other snacks. 2) Resolve to participate in at least one Princeton Eats Plants potluck dinner this year to pick up some ideas for plant-based, whole food meal options. PEP meets the first Wednesday of every month! Find out more about Princeton Eats Plants by emailing vcampbell@