The Good, The Bad, and the Rest of Us

Our faith is rooted in a belief in the fundamental goodness of all people. We believe that there is a sacred light within each person and, well-kindled, that light will shine forth in virtue and beauty. People are basically good. It developed to counter opposite beliefs: that each person is innately sinful and, left without strict moral guidance, everyone will live lives of deceit, selfishness, and pride. People are basically bad. But it often seems as though that along with the good and the bad, there is the rest of us, living somewhere between and among the two. People are somewhere in between, or are both, good and bad. What does that “middle place” faith look like?

January 26, 2020 at 10:30 a.m.

The Good, The Bad, and the Rest of Us

Worship Leader: Rev. Bill Neely

Worship Associate: Darci Erickson

Music: Courtney Orlando, violin; Nick Tiberi, piano; Marjorie Herman