About Fahs Theatre:

View the rental terms and conditions, pricing, and fees prior to reserving this space.

  • Size: 34’ x 39’
  • Stage Dimensions: Approximately 24′ x 15.5′
  • Capacity: 74
  • Flooring: Carpeted
  • Food: Not Allowed
  • Air Conditioning: Yes
  • Stage: Yes

Chairs (74) are arranged in the 3-tiered-seating semi-circular theatre. There is a viewing room on the upper level that is suitable for wheelchairs or those unable to navigate the steps into Fahs Theatre. There is a video system that includes a remote-controlled screen and a VCR/DVD player. There is a soundboard and stage lighting.  Equipment instruction may be arranged with a volunteer, given at least a 2-week lead time to schedule the appointment.

  • Fahs Theatre Monday – Thursday: $115.00 for the first two hours (or any fraction.) and $55.00 for each additional hour (or any fraction.)
  • Fahs Theatre Friday, Saturday & Sunday: $125.00 for the first two hours (or any fraction.) and $60.00 for each additional hour (or any fraction.)

Contact our congregational administrator (office@uuprinceton.org) with any additional questions.