March Spiritual Theme

Our Monthly Spiritual Themes guide our Chalice Circles, which are small, intentional groups of members and friends that gather for spiritual enrichment through personal sharing. For more information on Chalice Circles, please email Linda Benson at

Our Chalice Circle thoughts and questions around the theme of Expectations this month are:

“Stress and anxiety often come from too much expectation and too much ambition. Then when we don’t fulfill that expectation or achieve that ambition, we experience frustration.” ⎯ His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

When have you realized that your expectations of yourself or another person were causing unnecessary stress or anxiety? Were you able to let go of the expectations, or are you still struggling with it?


“Expectations are the breeding ground for anger and resentment and the potential for suffering. I can poison my relationships when I continually try to change others to meet my expectations.” ⎯ Al-Anon Online Forum, March 2020

What personal relationships of yours have been strained or damaged from one person trying to change another to fit expectations? Has it been possible to rectify the situation?


“You are most powerful when you are most silent. People never expect silence. They expect words, motion, defense, offense, back and forth. They expect to leap into the fray. They are ready, fists up, words hanging leaping from their mouths. Silence? No.” ⎯ Alison McGhee, All Rivers Flow to the Sea

Have you ever had a time when defying expectation has put you in a powerful position?


“Often the most precious gifts of life come in ways we neither plan nor expect.” ⎯ Radhanath Swami

“Often the most precious gifts of life come in ways we neither plan nor expect.” ⎯ Radhanath Swami