Our Children’s Faith Development Program – What are We Learning

The congregation is a warm and welcoming place where we make friends and experience a sense of wonder and respect for the world around us. With Chalice Children we become familiar with our space and rhythm of our Sunday mornings together, lighting the chalice, sharing stories, arts and crafts, circle time and free play.

Grades K-1
UU Identity – Wonderful Welcome engages and challenges us to explore how and why we are willing to welcome others into our lives. We welcome not only strangers, but family, our peers, our neighbors and even entities that are not people such as our animal friends and nature itself.

Grades 2-4
UU Identity & Ethics – Every day we go forth into a complex world where we are often faced with difficult decisions and situations. Moral Tales attempts to provide us with the spiritual and ethical tools we will need to make choices and take actions reflective of our Unitarian Universalist beliefs and values.

Grades 5-7
World Religions – Building Bridges deepens our understanding of the dynamic, fascinating, and varied world in which we live. We learn about and visit other religious communities, nurture our own Unitarian Universalist faith, and understand theological diversity within the UU community.

Grade 8
One full year of Our Whole Lives, the Unitarian Universalist sexuality curriculum. Honest, accurate information about sexuality changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives.

Youth Group
We nurture our spiritual, emotional and intellectual growth while developing leadership skills, building community, serving our congregation and the areas in which we live. Activities include worship, learning, games, overnights, social justice efforts, community service and youth conferences.