cropped-favicon4.jpgAll ministry at UU Princeton is shared ministry, which means that the minister, staff, and members create and enliven what we offer each other and the world. From the Board to our Building, from Worship to Welcoming, all of the wonderful events of UU Princeton are created collaboratively. We think creatively, embrace change, and respect tradition as we enliven our ministries together in an atmosphere of respect and teamwork.And there’s room for you! Your gifts can help our congregation become stronger and more vibrant. Whether you’d like to spend some time with our younger members in the Children’s Religious Education program or help guide our very active Social Justice ministries, we’d love to include you in the shared leadership of our congregation. We have immediate opportunities for you to jump in and help, as well as some opportunities that take a little more time with the congregation before embracing. Talk to Rev. Bill about your gifts and passions and how they might help UU Princeton thrive, and we’ll find the right match for you!


[events_list_grouped mode=”monthly” date_format=”F Y” limit=12 pagination=1 category=65] #M #j (#D) – #_EVENTLINK @#_EVENTTIMES (#_LOCATION)
