Make Your 2025-26 Pledge
We at UU Princeton are building a better tomorrow – strengthening connections, inspiring action, and creating a future filled with hope. Every pledge, no matter what the amount, helps to fund the many ministries and activities that serve our community and support our work in the world. We thank you for your generosity!
To pledge online for 2025/2026:
Step 1: Fill out a pledge form button to let us know the amount you intend to pledge. This helps us plan our 2025 budget.
Step 2: Return to this page and click the setup online giving button to pay with your debit or credit card, or through your bank account. You can set up the amount and frequency of payment. Our 2025-26 fiscal year begins on July 1st, 2025 and ends on June 30th, 2026.
Other ways you can pledge:
- Email the amount you intend to pledge to
- Call the administrator at 609-924-1604
- Mail your pledge to UU Princeton, 50 Cherry Hill Rd., Princeton, NJ 08540
If you have any questions, check out Pledge FAQs here. You can also change your pledge or start a pledge by contacting our Congregational Administrator (609-924-1604) or the Stewardship Ministry team.
Did you know…
- A pledge of $3,700 per pledge unit covers a majority of our essential operating costs (electricity, heating & AC, building maintenance, livestream, office paper, staff, music etc.) and any giving above that level allows the church to more fully serve our community and enact our values in the world.
- When you pay your pledge automatically through your bank or with a credit card, you help stabilize our income throughout the year. Thank you!