About Women’s Alliance 

The Women’s Alliance promotes friendship and kindness, inspires learning and serves the congregation and greater community. To accomplish our mission we: 

  • organize monthly lunches with timely programs of general interest
  • assist bereaved families with receptions following memorial services
  • raise funds to support local, national and international organizations that serve women and children.

Anyone who supports what we do and wishes to participate in our activities may become a member of the Women’s Alliance upon payment of annual dues of $10. To routinely receive email information about the monthly lunches and other upcoming events, or to become a member of the Women’s Alliance, please email womensalliance@uuprinceton.org. 

Monthly Lunch and Program – Third Thursday of the month from 12:00-2:00 p.m. Founders’ Room (September -May) 

All congregants and guests are invited to attend the lunch, program, or both. No reservation is needed. Lunch begins at noon and all participants are asked to bring a sandwich or salad to share. Women’s Alliance members also provide hot and cold beverages, desserts, set-up/clean-up, etc. as needed. There is a brief business meeting between lunch and the 1:00 program. 

Programs vary widely and speakers have included ministers, health experts, political scientists, artists, authors, and more. Some speakers are UUCP members and others are community people who support our values. Topics have included health and wellness, nature, responsible gardening, religious holidays and rituals, and travel. 

Memorial Service Receptions 

The Women’s Alliance is available to assist bereaved families following memorial services. We set up and provide light refreshments (i.e. cookies, brownies) in Robinson Lounge as well as provide coffee, tea, lemonade and iced tea. Assistance setting up and serving additional refreshments provided by the family and friends is also available if requested. 

Major Fundraising Activities 

Holiday Cookie Sale – The Women’s Alliance offers a scrumptious selection of homemade holiday cookies for sale in Robinson Lounge before and after service on two Sundays in December. WA members bake, sort, wrap, and create one-pound plates of goodies to be sold. Brunch – We host two brunches a year – one in the fall and one in the spring. All proceeds from our fundraisers are used to support organizations that serve women and children. 

Organizations Supported 

We have sent donations to Child Haven Orphanages, Clara Barton Diabetic Camp, Fistula Foundation, Mercer Street Friends, Better Beginnings, Perinatal Health Equity Initiative, New Jersey Abortion Access Fund, WomanSpace and the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen. 

It is not necessary to be a member of the Women’s Alliance to participate in our activities. Membership is open to all – not just women.