Discuss the 2021 UUA Common Read –
Breathe: A Letter to My Sons,
by Imani Perry
Tuesdays, Feb. 9, 23, and March 2,
6 – 7 p.m.
Each year the Unitarian Universalist Association selects a single book and encourages congregations throughout our faith to discuss and engage it. This year that book is the powerful work, Breathe: a Letter to My Sons, by Imani Perry. Perry, who is a professor of African American Studies at Princeton, centers her work on the question, “How do you become in a world bent on you not being and becoming,” and responds, movingly and prophetically, as a mother, feminist, writer, and intellectual. Stacy Abrams called the book, “a lyrical meditation that connects a painful, proud history of African American struggle with a clarion call for present-day action.”
UU Princeton will discuss Breathe in a three-part Zoom series on Tuesdays, Feb. 9, 23, and March 2, from 6 – 7 p.m. All are welcome. The book is available wherever books are sold, and if you or someone you know needs assistance in buying the book, please email Bill@UUPrinceton.org.
Please help us plan for the group by registering via the Sign-Up Genius link at: https://www.signupgenius.com/ go/20f0945a8a629a46- the20202021
The book is divided into three sections. That format will guide our discussions:
Feb. 9: -Fear, pg. 1
Feb. 23 – Fly, pg. 51
March 2 – Fortune and Afterword, pg. 119
For more information on the UUA Common Read, please visit: https://www.uua.org/read